JUICE THIS™ 3-Day Juicing Cleanse Results

I’m back to solid food after 3 days of juicing. In full disclosure mode, I admit I didn’t follow my own plan! Haha (she said sheepishly). Here’s what I actually did:
Large glass of water with fresh lime juice & coffee with soy milk (no sweetener) each morning. 5 large glasses of juiced JUICE THIS™ Perfectly Portioned Produce Packs – I had each pack juiced so I just switched them up depending on what I wanted. Water & herbal tea here and there. I did not work out at all (only because my favorite classes are not on those days).
I know, you’re not supposed to have coffee. But I like my coffee and the ritual of it. I also know I was supposed to be more pro-active on the water drinking. Well, here’s the thing… I didn’t feel like I was doing a juicing cleanse.
The variety of the JUICE THIS™ blends kept me feeling “normal”. My energy throughout was high and steady – no crashing. I didn’t felt bloated or weak or like I was doing anything “special”. I had no side effects. The scale showed a 3 lb. drop, which is encouraging, making the JUICE THIS™ 3-Day Juicing Cleanse a great jump-start to a healthy lifestyle revamp. I loved doing it!
I didn’t “hide” from food. I was “challenged” with amazing pastrami sandwiches from Katz Deli in Manhattan, my favorite slice of eggplant ricotta pizza from Tuckahoe’s Villagio Pizzeria, and the aroma of a BBQ from the neighbors. I was invited to a romantic dinner. I declined it all. Not in an “Oh no – I’m being deprived” way but in a “No thanks, I’m fine” way – because that’s the truth – I didn’t “need” any of it.
As delicious & desirable as all those things are, they were a good test of my resolve. They made me think about the choices I can make every day. The positive effects transcend beyond those in my body! My mind and intentions have been skewed towards being smarter about what I give to myself to keep strong and healthy. Wow – this went a little deep – haha!
OK – So based on my experience, I’m revamping the JUICE THIS™ 3-Day Juice Cleanse to be:
Start each day with 18 oz. water with a healthy squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice. Morning coffee or tea to follow if desired – no sweetener. 5 Large glasses of juiced JUICE THIS™ through the day – timing is up to you based on your life. Drink water throughout the day. Add HERBAL tea as desired.
Again, I want to stress – don’t make any radical diet changes without consulting your doctor.
I’m so “juiced” by this, I am going to add one day of just juicing each week. This was EASY.
Make sure to get your packs of JUICE THIS™ to have the best tasting easiest way to get your juice on!