And the Oscar Went To…

Hello All!
I know, it’s been over a week but I finally have the Oscar Menu pictures for you! Everything was delicious. Not only is creating the menu and accompanying posters a challenge, but getting all the viewers to fill out their ballots before the awards start while putting the finishing touches on all the dishes is quite the feat. But I had a lot of help.
I have to give a big bold thanks! to my mom, Toni. She made the King’s Peach and the Winter’s Scone. She also got The Biter together when she arrived. Another big thanks goes to my sister Vincenza for getting the True Grits to the perfect creamy cheesy flavor. My great friend Anne was the 127 Sours extraordinaire, dipping the anginettes in the lemony sugar icing and then when they dried, arranging them on the platter. And our Joe Becwar was the So-Called NotPork perfect carver. I couldn’t have done it without all your love and support of KitchAnnette and all things delicious (cue the music). Ha!
Goodbye little golden statue… Until next year…
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June Brewer
March 9, 2011 at 2:56pIt all looks wonderful! So glad it went well.