Cheese Please

First order of business, Bollywood Bistro was delicious! My friends and I sampled quite a few dishes and not one was a disappointment. I’d list them but why limit your enjoyment! Check them out if you’re in the Pleasantville, NY area:

Now to something exciting. Yesterday I was introduced to a new love in the cheese category name Piave, aptly pronounced “pi-ahhhhh-vay”! It has a nutty-sweet and mellow flavor that finishes with a satisfying savory sharpness. It is reminiscent of Parmigiano Reggiano but smoother.

It is somewhat semi-soft but also sold aged, where it becomes more of a hard cheese that can be grated and is called Piave Vecchio (old) or PIave Stravecchio (extra old).

If you have the opportunity to sample this, please do and let us know what you think. Enjoy!


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