A Shiny New Year

Hello All!
We’ve been off the radar lately making big changes for this grand new year!
Joe and his family moved into fabulous new digs where he has an amazing kitchen I can’t wait to play in! My family also moved, and although my kitchen is not as grand, it is certainly a step up. We can’t wait to bring you more videos and recipes and news. If you haven’t seen what we have so far, check out https://kitchannette.com or our YouTube channel – KitchAnnette.
As if that isn’t great enough, we are pleased to have been invited to coach hard-working moms to create some fast and delicious meals at the brand-spankin’ new Club Mom – http://www.clubmomli.com! This wonderful establishment offers the opportunity for mothers to connect with their identity and find the physical, emotional, and mental well-being they need in order to maintain a healthy balance between being a mom and being a woman.
The Grand Opening is on Monday, January 31st! We’ll be there in March – keep looking on our site, this blog, and their site for more information as we get closer. If you’re near Huntington, Long Island in NY, it will be worth your while to check it out! And come take our classes.
There are lots of other things in the works. We hope you join us as we take a bite out of 2011!
All the best,
Annette & Joe
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Margaret Marron
February 2, 2011 at 2:56pHey KitchAnnette,
I am having a few families over for the SuperBowl. I was wondering if you had any creative ideas? Thx!
February 2, 2011 at 2:56pWell there are many different ways to get beyond the usual chips and dips. It all depends on the crowd and things they like! We at KitchAnnette like to get a bit theme-y. Joe of KitchAnnette is actually from Wisconsin and lived in Green Bay so he suggests some Meatballs – for the MEAT Packers and footBALL! How about stuffing them with some Wisconsin cheddar cheese!
As for the Steelers, my Nanny was born “inna Pittsburgh” (then went back to Italy for a few years, hence the accent) so I will speak for them. Pittsburgh is the birthplace of Klondike Bars so that would work for dessert – and what would youuu do for a Klondike bar – ha! Pittsburgh is also known for Isaly’s Chipped Ham which is a special thinly-sliced ham so you can make some fine ham sandwiches with your Wisconsin cheddar cheese! These are just a couple of ideas to score your own touchdown for the 45th Annual Superbowl!